In the first seires of DBX Cell and Frieza get tired of waiting for the devils of other world to open the
hole to earth but they have to wait for them to open it enogh that all the bad guys can get through all at once but Cell and
Frieza want to train together so they can go through to control the universe. Broly Cooler evil buu Ciyon and Cell2 find out
that they are going to try and take over the universe. so Cell and Frieza go through the hole closeing it behind them but
them then they get into an argument and start fighting. Frieza and Cell deside to split up and train so later they
can fight eachother and whoever wins will take over the universe. the Z fighters have a very hard time at defeteing them and
are basicly beaten. Vegeta even transforms into ss2 x2 and still gets beat. this all
started at the end of series 1 and will end in series 2. series 2 will begen 11/26/04